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Music Video Analysis- Britney Spears

The music video "Hit me baby one more time" by Britney Spears presents herself as a teenager in an American High school

The narrative focuses on Britney daydreaming in lesson. The video begins with a shot of her in a classroom looking very bored, as implied by her tapping her foot repeatedly against the chair leg. Then there is a close shot of a clock showing she is waiting for the lesson to end. This is further supported by the other students as they all feel the same way and want to be released.

The students are presented as bored and tired which is like the teacher as she is presented as a lifeless middle-aged woman, adding to the eagerness of the students wanting to be leave. The outfits are all grey which connotes to being dull. This is a contrast to Britney as she is full of life when the bell rings as well as the rest of the class.

The next location is then shown which is the corridor. Considering the music video was filmed in Venice High School, the same school used to shoot the 1978 musical romance Grease, reinforces the stereotype of American schools and how they are portrayed.

As well as the classroom and corridor, other locations used include the mall and the school gym which are all locations young teenagers are expected to be situated.

There are a variety of social groups presented throughout the music video. The middle-aged teachers contrast the life of the students, but there are also different races and genders which makes the video more diverse.

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